Have Cash Laying Around? Put It To Work Earning Guaranteed Returns In A Personal CD
When you have extra cash on hand Personal CDs provide a secure and guaranteed way to earn a return on your initial investment in as little as 3 months. It’s that easy.
The Run Down On Personal Certificates of Deposit
Personal CD Options
Best for the saver who prefers guaranteed returns
Timelines available
6-36 Months
Minimum balance
Interest bearing
FDIC Insured Up To
Monthly fee
What is a personal certificate of deposit?
CDs are also known as Certificates of Deposit and they allow you to lock in a guaranteed rate of return for a specified length of time. One of the biggest benefits of a CD is that unlike traditional investments such as stocks and funds, a CD provides a guaranteed return on your investment and is FDIC insured and secured up to $250,000 per depositor. If you have extra cash on hand, put it to work.
Consider If:
- You don’t need access to your deposited funds for the term of the Certificate of Deposit
- You would like to increase your rate of return based on your initial investment
- You prefer less risk and guaranteed returns
Not Sure If Personal CDs Are Right For You?
You’re Only A Call or Click Away From Opening Your Personal CD In As Quickly As 1 Hour
Ready to Get Started?
Apply online, in-person, or over the phone
We know your life is busy that’s why we offer 3 convenient ways to apply for your personal CD. If you have questions at any point during the process our personal banking support staff is here to help.
To get started here’s the information you’ll need to have handy to open your personal CD:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Social Security Number
- Driver License Number
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